Being the Light in These Challenging Times

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

It is always important – but now more than ever – to bring the best values of humanity to the surface, in our workplaces, with our families, and in our communities. The importance of leadership and language helps to uplift and heal. If we don’t hear the words that need to be said and heard in our workplaces and our communities, then it is important that we become those leaders and voices. We need to be that light of humanity and bring that leadership to the forefront. Now is the time to speak.

Business Owners Are Community Leaders

Community leaders are not just elected officials. Local business owners are also looked to as community leaders. They provide products and services to people who live in the community. They employ local people. Business owners have a voice, and they can use that voice to help uplift their communities and lead the way through every crisis. Business owners can lead the way for change when the very people they employ and provide goods to are part of the community. Business owners can be the light in these challenging times and step up as community leaders to help move us all toward a better tomorrow.

There Will Always Be Challenging Times

There will always be challenges to overcome. But whether it is a pandemic, systemic racism, inequality, or anything else, community leaders have to be proactive. To be the light that drives out the darkness, we cannot sit still or be silent. A concern for one or a few is a concern to for our communities as a whole. Business owners can help to amplify the voices of the individuals in our communities by talking to employees and customers, and giving time and space to further dialogue and understanding.

Staying silent and ignoring the problem brings us into the darkness of ignorance. When businesses take an active role in their communities, they set examples of stewardship and leadership that benefit their customers, employees, and communities.

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