COVID Care: A Well-Being Guide for Business Owners

While the COVID-19 pandemic continues across the country, some states and cities are entering what is known as “Phase 2” and “Phase 3” of reopening. These phases allow select non-essential businesses to start making sales directly to in-person customers. Since we are not in the clear yet, and certain states are still seeing spikes, what can businesses of every size do to protect themselves, their employees, and their customers to ensure long-term success?

Follow Experts Who Deal in Facts

COVID-19 is a very real threat. When health experts offer guidance for social distancing and wearing masks, those guidelines should be heeded. Businesses should require employees to wear masks while on the premises. For businesses that see cash transactions, employees should wear gloves as well. Figuring out paths for both customers and employees to take in order to minimize contact and unsafe proximities should be a priority. The last thing a business needs is to have employees or customers getting sick from not following enforced guidelines, because that can drop productivity, reduce sales, and lower an otherwise positive reputation with the surrounding community.

Maintain Online Operations

Back when the pandemic first started, many businesses moved their operations online or partnered with delivery services to keep customers and employees safe. Just because areas are entering new phases of reopening does not mean businesses and customers are relaxing their protective measures. Employees want safe environments to carry out work. At the same time, a lot of customers are still self-isolating for their own protection and the safety of others. This means that maintaining an online version of your business can drive sales while minimizing health risks. Additionally, online businesses can reach a wider audience.

Communication is the Key

Business owners need to be observant of their day-to-day operations and address the concerns of both employees and customers. Right now, businesses need to put in the extra work to stay on top of the facts and guidance offered by experts, separate those facts from speculation and theories, and convey that information to the people around them. By communicating guidance and making actionable plans, businesses can stay successful and build strong relationships with their communities. When everyone is working together to stay safe, we will be able to make it through this pandemic.

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