Reaching for the Stars: The Time for Women Entrepreneurs Is Now

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” Harriet Tubman

For women entrepreneurs, there is no better time than now to achieve success. Old ideas are being recognized as obsolete and women are taking the marketplace by storm. Almost 12 million businesses across the United States alone are owned by women. Diving deeper into that number, those 12 million women-owned businesses employ roughly nine million people and generate over $1.7 trillion (with a “T”) annually. The number of women entrepreneurs rises every year, so there is every reason to be ambitious and reach for the stars.

Everything Starts with an Idea

All successful businesses start with an idea. They may not be overnight successes, but by sticking to that original idea and keeping the big picture in mind, a business can grow. A lot of women entrepreneurs talk themselves off of the launching pad because there are still people who try to tell them why they can’t do things. By silencing the negativity, and actively listening to one’s inner voice and finding the supports needed, women entrepreneurs can take their ideas to product reality in any industry.

Ambition is what lets us reach the stars. Strength, patience and passion along with ambition support women business owners to paths of success. For the longest time, women entrepreneurs have had to achieve success in spite of those negative ideas. Today, the numbers speak for themselves. There are organizations in every city in the United States where women entrepreneurs can network, become mentors, and find others who can help, support and guide one another on the road to success.

Financing Women Entrepreneurs

If you want to reach the stars, you need financing from a source that understands the needs of women entrepreneurs. Traditional channels still under-finance women-owned businesses, which is why Nanaki Capital takes a different approach. We want to understand your business and your ideas so we can work with you to create a solution that propels your ambition and hardwork. Contact our offices today to get started.

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