Cultivating a Culture of Compassion

Small businesses are organizations with a lot of heart, especially compared to Wall Street and other corporations that reflect a “cold” image. It would be wise for all businesses to remember that their profits are from warm, thinking, and feeling people and communities. A compassionate business culture is a reflection of the values and ideas of the business, and provides both employees and customers a heart-warming space that is essential in these challenging times. A kind smile and support from a client representative to customers will travel far these days when hate and division dampen the human spirit.

Compassion Is Not Compulsory

Creating a culture of compassion is an organic process, and not something that can be mandated. Culture starts from within an organization. Business owners running ethical operations, looking out for the well-being of their employees, and connecting with both customers and the surrounding community will naturally create compassion as part of the culture. When businesses are compassionate towards those around them, then employees and clients feel encouraged to engage in a similar fashion.

A culture of compassion goes beyond the adage of “attracting more flies with honey than with vinegar.” Compassionate businesses have higher-quality employees, returning clients, and strong support from their communities and customers. These factors come together and translate to increased sales and a positive reputation that boosts the potential for growth. Brick-and-mortar businesses, as well as online companies, can implement compassion. Reaching out to employees and customers to understand their needs and concerns works much better than the detached and purely transactional attitude most businesses employ today. In a world where we all seem distanced and afraid, finding a way to reach out and connect with people can have a great impact. An email, an extended conversation, or getting your business involved in community directives – either as a participant or a leader – can demonstrate compassion and move others to act in kind.

Nanaki Capital is an active community partner and recognizes that a compassionate approach in life and business connects us together as a community. Contact us for business and plan consultation.

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