Newsletter – Supporting Women In Business

Greetings Dear Friend,

As we enter the month of May, there is much to acknowledge and share in this new spring. We are blossoming as human beings, finding inner strength and being guided by higher principles of community and collective well-being. Our collective efforts to socially distant and retreat into our homes continue to save the lives of many young and old. It is humbling to witness how these small changes and adjustments can make a significant impact in our local communities and across the world.

We reach out to honor the mother spirit this Mother’s Day weekend. We honor and value those who have given of themselves, to serve, support and better their families and communities. Every day should be a Mother’s Day, because one day is insufficient to express our gratitude and love to the women who have given us so much. 

In these most challenging of times, it is heartening to see the strength and voices of women rise to address the uncertainty and fear with great courage and compassion. From the frontlines with our healthcare professionals, and at our home fronts with our multi-tasking mothers, who are working from home and maintaining ground support. As well as our small women business owners and essential workers who continue to open their storefronts and stand at the counters to provide essential goods and services, all of them reminding us that we are in this together.

Thank you to all the wonder women and spirited sisters, thank you for all that you do, we are a kinder and better world because of you!  

Best regards,

Jyoti Singh
Commercial Finance Consultants
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